118 118 App to call


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One button, one call! hassle-free!Need information or a contact number? With our app, you can now access 118 118 services as much as you want.★ Get a simple tool ★Simply create your account and choose your plan. You can choose between 118118 On Demand or subscribe to one of our great plans.
★ Get a plan ★Starting at £2.48 a month, surely there is a plan for you!Then with one click, 7 days a week, you can make unlimited* calls.At the end of each call, you will find all the information requested in the app's directory.
★ Get services ★Are you looking for a business or a person? Be sure you have the right number and the right address.Do you want to to go to the cinema? We can tell you the movie times and your nearest cinema.Did you miss your train? We know at what time the next one is.Are you not sure if you're taking the right itinerary? Don't worry, we'll tell you the directions over the phone to wherever you need to go. Don't have an internet connection? Don't worry, you can always use our button and get the information by text message.★ Get useful info ★In your car? Focus on the road, and we'll find the information for you and we'll connect you with your contact directly.Nothing to write with? No problem! All your contacts are saved in the app's directory with all the useful information.And what's more, you can share what you find with your friends instantly!
Don't wait, call 118 118!
*Unlimited: services are only usable from the UK. For every call placed, carrier fees may apply. You may not exceed an average of 100 calls per month or a total monthly call duration in excess of 300 minutes. Forwarding and call time after connection are free, depending on the plan.